Melinda Steimling

Services > Melinda Steimling

Melinda Steimling

PT, DPT Board-Certified Clinical Specialist in Women’s Health Physical Therapy
Certified in Lymphedema Therapy

Melinda received her Doctor of Physical Therapy from Thomas Jefferson University. She is a graduate of Good Shepherd Penn Partners’ Women’s Health Residency and is a board-certified clinical specialist in women’s health physical therapy. She enjoys helping women maintain active and healthy pregnancies and recover physically in the postpartum years. Melinda is also a certified lymphedema therapist with training through the Norton School of Lymphology and additional certification through the Lymphology Association of North America. She strives to bridge her expertise in oncology, lymphedema, and pelvic rehabilitation to educate and empower men and  women in their recovery from cancer and cancer treatments. Outside of work, Melinda enjoys running, hiking, traveling, and promoting an environmentally-sustainable lifestyle.