Alex Brown

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Alex Brown

PT, DPT Board-Certified Clinical Specialist in Orthopaedic Physical Therapy
Certified Mulligan Concept Practitioner

Fellow of the American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical TherapistsAlex graduated from DeSales University with a Bachelor's degree in Sport and Exercise Science and he received his Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from Dominican College. Alex specializes in manual therapy, using various techniques such as Mulligan mobilization with movement. He is also a Fellow of the American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapists (FAAOMPT) and is a Board Certified Orthopedic Physical Therapist. He is also trained in Redcord incorporating Neurac method, a treatment that aims to restore functional and pain-free movement patterns through high levels of neuromuscular stimulation. Alex believes in applying manual therapy along with full movement to empower the patient in achieving their goals. He is published in the journal of student physical therapy research where the study focused on treatment of overhead athletes, mainly baseball players, and ways to safely improve their range of motion and prevent shoulder and elbow injury. While at DeSales, Alex played four years of baseball and developed a strong passion for working with overhead athletes.